A specific elegance of this building is appropriate to its position in the city center. Composition of masses is simple and uniform: the building is composed of almost regular cube. What makes the building stand out from its surroundings, as well as what determines it as an act of our time, has been achieved on the front facade of the cube. The author has imagined the facade as a canvas at which a sum of author’s credo has been achieved. Thus, all of the so far elements of author’s growth have met, and, thus, the entirety of his work has been rounded off. The facade composing process has started from the analysis, separation, deconstruction of street plane, at the same respecting the model of primary geometry, principles of proportionality and rhythmical organization of elements. The elements obtained in this way have then been re-composed and united into a unique picture.
Mare Janakova Grujić, MSc
”Ambijenti” No.40, February 2010
Resavska 23, Belgrade
Goran Vojvodić, Aleksandar Hrnjez
Anex d.o.o.
Museum of Applied Arts – Salon of Architecture – Recognition in the category of architecture – 2010