By winning the competition (1991), the author’s team successfully connected the existing and newly planned contents of the complex program, which also included a office and commercial building, a shopping center with associated underground parking, as well as spaces for cultural content, an art gallery, as well as good communications with the existing passages within the urban block. The composition of the main facade towards Makedonska street is derived from fragments-to- unity, neutral elements that are connected to the inherited buildings, and the center of the composition of the facade, which has a special, author’s expression of a passage, reminiscent of a passage through the building, later called “the open door of the center”.
“Building the core of the block and shaping the main facade, object between one pre-war and another post-war typical Belgrade building, they achieved one of the most successful Belgrade interpolations, unobtrusively completing the height regulation of the pre-war exemplary front of Makedonska Street” (Mihajlo Mitrović, Architecture of Belgrade 1950-2012, p.94)
Makedonska 30, Belgrade
Investstan, Belgrade
Jelena Ivanović-Vojvodić, Milena Bojović, Snežana Litvinović
Ivana Mićić (ko-autor, konkursni projekat, 1991)
Dragan Babović
The building won the Award of the 26th Salon of Architecture in the field of architecture for the quality of interpolation in the urban block (2004) and DANS Award jury for computer analysis of the Project Office building and commerce centre (with M.Bojović, S.Litvinović, I. Mićić), 1994.